Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Political Prediction

I am going to go out on a limb here, since I have nothing to loose.

Judging by the political poles and the a.c.o.r.n. voter registration fraud, this election will not be over by midnight November fifth.

I would not be surprised if the number one new years resolution for most Americans is to have an American President that they are sure is the president that was put in the office legally and constitutionally.

No matter what happens on November fourth and the months to follow, the man that God puts in there will be the President of the United States of America.
I encourage all to vote I plead for all Christians to pray. Politics is just a small part of our live, however we look at the political fiasco's of our day and come to the conclusion that it is time to pray. "Oh it's come to that has it."

Most churches allow one hour of "worship" on Sunday morning. One hour on Sunday evening, and one hour one night during the weak designated for prayer. That prayer meeting is generally less than one third of the church population. Of that one third the prayers that are prayed are so close to the prayers that they prayed last weak that the meeting is only unique in the songs sang before the meeting began.

How can our prayers have any effect on the political world in which we live.

God is an amazing God. He can do miracles.

When Christians wake up and realize that they CAN have a relationship with God, through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will begin to talk to God rather than the back of the pew.

When Christians start praying they start living. This is were change begins to be seen.

I am going to finish now, but I must warn. Why do Christians not pray and not live the evangelistic life that they were borne, the second time, to live?
Because the changes that occur WILL BE harmful to "OUR" lives.

I will provide the Biblical promise later.

Talk to the Father that sent His Son to pay your penalty.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who is Wrong ???

In the age of information you can hardy go more than a few hours with out hearing or seeing something that a person like myself would have very strong convictions on which I could blog. It would be nice if I could put them all together in to one expos'e, but that would be an incredible task. However, there is one thing that I saw that caught my attention.

I saw a video apparently produced by people associated with John Piper. The video was an advertisement for an upcoming pastors conference. The speaker in the video is Paul Tripp. The topic of the video is that of acceptable talk. His children asked him what makes some word "bad words". Paul Tripp Explained, I believe, a correct answer that our communication needs to be edifying to the people to whom we are communicating.

The problem is that Paul Tripp uses a particular "bad word" several time during his monologue. I am in the process of formulating a correct stand on this issue. Several of the negative responses to this video did not use the "bad word" however, they said every thing in there power to express the exact word that Tripp used. At first I sided with Tripp, that this was an acceptable use of words to edify the group that he was to address at this conference. On second thought the Apostle Paul refrained from eating meat so as not to offend the brethren. Clearly the brethren were offended at Tripp's choice of words.

Or were they being hypocrites by criticizing Paul Tripp and John Piper for some reason other than edification? If you would like to comment on this matter please feel free. I would supply the link however, I do not want to offend, only edify.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog, Blog, Blog

At first it seemed like a wast of time to sit down and write my thoughts on a blank screen; for some one to read. " Possibly, maybe, Probably not". Hey it could happen! That is when the fear comes, what if some one does read my thoughts. At least back in the day when people kept journals if they were read or commented on by others it was after the author's death.

However, as an American living in the twentieth century, or is it the twenty first, the art writing seems to be making a come back. With the progress being made in the speed of communication it is giving people more time to slow down, think, and then speak. This could be a beneficial exercise.

It would be most helpful if it were a part of a daily routine. Like anything else if it is a beneficial habit. I must say it could be difficult to maintain a regular Blog. A journal entry usually consisted of daily activity's that brought you closer to a goal, such as a scientist, a writer, a surveyor, or a researcher. They were than used to look back at as a reminder of what happened in the past so the person could either repeat the scenario or avoid the pit falls.

I am beginning to lose focus so I will either pick direction for the blog or just use it as a sounding board of my activities to determine were and how to make changes in my life. At this point I must say that pleasing God is a desire of mine, but if I look at how i conduct my life at times some one would be fair to say that pleasing God is not my desire in the least. I would love to look back at my journal and see God humble me and make me to be one that pleases Him.